Friday, November 2, 2012


I play a game called League of Legends, which a complex backstory that results in very interesting form of justice. Aside from the lore of the game, the game in the real world also has a sense of justice. There is a system that is called the honor system and another system to for reporting other players.

When looking at the lore of League of Legends, the societies of the nations in the country decided to solve issues of justice and war through the use of team based combat system. There is groups of champions that come from all places in the fictional world, and they fight together in teams of 5 or fewer against other champions to prove the glory of their countries, prove their own strength, gain the right to revenge , and solve issues of justice, such as slavery, murder, etc. This in many ways eliminated many ideas of racism, because it set up a system where all races, ethnicities, etc had the opportunity to prove their strength. Even a tiny race such as the yordels had champions that could fight among the best of them. No race is necessarily considered weaker than the others. But this does not mean that racism is completely abolished, some aspects of the battles in the League are due to racial tensions. But because of the League many racial conflicts can be settled, because they allow for each race to gain a greater respect for other races. 

When dealing with the justice in the player realm, or the summoner realm. Not all people play the game with the same amount of honor and resolve. So when these players are acting in an uthonorable way, they are reported for their crimes against their teams. But punishments are not the only things that can be dealt. Honors can be rewarded to players for great teamwork, helpfulness, being friendly, and being an honorable opponent. This allows for players to be rewarded for their acts of honor and justice and be punished for their crimes. But one can be reported for being bad at the game at times. When someone dies a lot, he is reported for feeding even if he did not do so on purpose. The reporting is at the will of the players, and therefore justice seems to be decided by community. 

So do you think these two types of justice work? What do you guys think are the flaws?


  1. I’m not familiar with the game so excuse me if I misinterpret some the aspects.
    This system does have some interesting outlooks on how to handle and prevent racism and other injustices; however I’m not convinced that it would be able work outside of a controlled setting. You say that justice is decided by the community because of player reporting. But is there any type of limit or restrictions to this reporting? Can a player write anything or must there be actual evidence for the report to be valid? If no evidence is necessary then the process could very easily become corrupt through bias reporting to disadvantage other races.

  2. While I believe your use of a fictional society to examine aspects of societal justice and racism are admirable, I do not think you have adequately connected the game's lore (which you should probably explain a little) to racism and justice. The section about the summoner realm justice and honors strikes me as being a very good thought, but it too needs a little work. For example, you seem to be using this as a positive example of justice by democracy, but then you undermine this by saying that people can be unnecessarily reported.
